
Mixed Media Monday: Mermaid

And a mixed media piece I made in a class with Claudine Hellmuth featuring a fabulous picture of my mother in her younger days:

Title: "Do these fins make my butt look big?"
Mixed Media Monday: Mermaids

Here a few "furmaids" for this week's theme:
Furmaid #1

Furmaid #2

Furmaid #3

Furmaid #4

Furmaid #5


Just finished making a single-sheet mini-book for a swap at BadBaby Art. The theme was supposed to be "Queen for a Day." Since I'm apparently power-hungry, I went with "If I Were Queen."

The books began life as a humble brown paper bag from Trader Joe's. I broke down the bag, cut the single rectangle from it, folded, cut, and glued until it became a book.

Then I decorated. Enjoy:


Art Stimulus Package
We're having an Art Stimulus Package swap/mingle over at Bad Baby Art, and I got a fabulous package of fabric scraps, fibers and instructions for making some lovely little dolls. Here's what I made today:


Inchies for a swap on BadBaby Art. This projeect was much harder than I expected it to be, mainly because I seldom work in floral motifs, but that was the theme of this swap.



Altered cabinet card I made recently for a swap: